Hire in Germany in 3 easy steps

Germany is known for its beer, sausages and beautiful castles. Not only is it a robust economy, it’s also famous for Oktoberfest and music composers. Today, it’s home to a highly skilled and qualified workforce. Let us show you why and how you can hire and manage your remote team from Germany.


Onboard your talent in Germany in 10 minutes

If you’re considering hiring your next candidate in Germany, you’ve landed in the right place. After helping hundreds of businesses onboard their remote hires, we have achieved excellent expertise in the country. Our team of experts and tech solutions will make this incredibly easy for you.

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Accelerated onboarding

Fast-track your talent onboarding while ensuring 100% compliance with local regulations

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Net salary calculator

Calculate net salary in Germany post deductions and compare it with the salary in other countries instantly


Equipment management

Send laptops and other devices to your remote employees in Germany through our platform with just a few clicks

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Guidance & payroll management

Receive process support by an experienced team of experts & pay your talent on time and in their local currency

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Hire in Germany through an EOR

Easily onboard your remote talent in Germany through our Employer of Record (EOR) solution. Our subsidiaries and network partners make this process fast and 100% compliant.

A quick overview of Germany

Time zone


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Paid leave

24 days

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Minimum wage

€12.41 hourly

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Public holidays

09 days

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Payroll frequency


What makes Germany's talent great?

Germany's working professionals' greatness can be attributed to their expertise, precision, strong work ethic, collaborative nature, and commitment to continuous improvement. These qualities contribute to their economic success and its reputation as a global leader in various industries.

High level expertise

German professionals are known for their strong educational background and extensive training in their respective fields. The country's emphasis on quality education and vocational training produces highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals.

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Attention to detail

Germans are renowned for their precision and attention to detail, especially in industries like engineering, manufacturing, and automotive. This meticulous approach ensures the production of high-quality products and services.

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Innovation & creativity

Despite their reputation for precision, German professionals are also highly innovative and creative with a strong work ethic. They contribute to cutting-edge research and developments across various industries.

Get more detailed info about Germany's hiring landscape

Basic facts

The Federal Republic of Germany is made up of 16 states (Bundesländer), that are guaranteed self-government except as otherwise provided by the Basic Law. Federal law takes precedence over state law. Geographically, Germany extends over 357,114 square kilometers. The country shares borders with Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, and Switzerland. Ranked fourth globally, Germany is the leading economic power in Europe. The services sector accounts for 72% of the workforce, followed by the industrial sector at around 26.8%.

*Please note that the official currency is the currency of remuneration when employed through WorkMotion in Germany.



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83.22 M

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VAT - standard rate


Statutory holidays

The Public Holidays Acts of the individual federal states determine the dates of public holidays in those states. Nine public holidays are legally protected nationwide.

Working on Sundays and statutory holidays is generally not permitted. There are a few exceptions to the rule depending on the regional administration or the job performed (e.g. jobs in the services industry). In cases where employees must work during Sundays and statutory holidays, permission must be sought from the local administration. An employee who has worked on a Sunday must be granted a day in lieu within two weeks. An employee who has worked on a public holiday is entitled to a day in lieu within eight weeks.

When planning on directing an employee to work on a Sunday or public holiday, always consult with WorkMotion first to check for potential legal implications.

The holidays mentioned below are valid for the year 2025.

National Holidays



Holiday Name

Extra Information

January 1

New Year’s Day (Neujahr)


April 18

Good Friday (Karfreitag)


April 21

Easter Monday (Ostermontag)


May 1

Labor Day (1 Mai)


May 29

Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt)


June 9

Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag)


October 3

Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit)


December 25

Christmas Day (Erster Weihnachtstag)


December 26

2nd Day of Christmas (Zweiter Weihnachtstag)



For more information on holidays in Germany, please visit the Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat) website.

Contract sharing time

The approximate time for sharing the contract with an employee in Germany is 2 business days assuming no special requests or changes to our standard employment contract. Any such requests or changes would need to undergo internal and external review, directly leading to a time delay.

What you need to know

Labour conditions

Leave / time off

The following social security deductions are payable by the employer:

* The amounts vary by the industrial sector.

Health insurance

The services of the state health insurance system are normally provided as cash benefits or as benefits in kind. Insured parties are entitled to:

Accident insurance

State accident insurance is compulsory for workers. It covers accidents at work, accidents on the way directly to and from work, and the consequences of occupational diseases. The premium is determined according to respective risk classes within an industry.

Unemployment insurance

If unemployment is a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease, and the employee’s ability to work is curtailed by at least 20% for more than 26 weeks following the event leading to the claim, they are eligible to receive a pension.

After having worked for at least 12 months in the last 30 months in Germany, the employee is entitled to receive unemployment benefits to the amount of 60-70% of the previous average income from the Federal Employment Agency for six months. The amount depends on the extent of the reduction in the employee’s fitness for work and their earnings over the 12 calendar months prior to the insurance claim. The duration of payments can be longer depending on the length of service.

Public pension

The statutory retirement age is gradually increasing and for those born in 1964 or later, the statutory retirement age is 67. A special service pension is paid with 45 years of contribution at age 65 for those born in 1964 or later.

Participation in the public retirement insurance system is mandatory for employees. Employees with less than five years’ contributions earn no benefit. According to the type of pension, the qualifying period for pension entitlement varies. Insured parties can apply for an early pension from the age of 63 if they can prove 35 years of qualifying pension contributions. As compensation for the longer pension period, for each month up to the statutory retirement age (severely disabled people, up to 65), the pension is reduced by 0.3%.

Other Statyutory Benefits

Funeral payment

If an accident at work or an occupational disease leads to the death of the insured person, the insurance will pay the funeral expenses (funeral payment).

Survivor’s pensions

If an employee dies following an accident at work or an occupational disease, a survivor’s pension is paid to the surviving spouse or civil partner.

Child Sickness Benefit