Uzbekistan, officially the Republic of Uzbekistan, is a Central Asian country. It is bounded to the north by Kazakhstan, to the northeast by Kyrgyzstan, to the southeast by Tajikistan, to the south by Afghanistan, and to the southwest by Turkmenistan. The Uzbek economy is gradually transitioning to a market economy, with an import substitution-based foreign trade policy.
*Please note that the official currency is the currency of remuneration when employed through WorkMotion in Uzbekistan.
Capital :
Currency :
Uzbekistani soʻm (UZS, сум, soʻm)
Languages spoken :
Population :
34.92 million (2021 est.)
Minimum wage 2023 :
920,000 UZS (monthly)
Cost of Living index :
$ (125 of 137 nations)
Payroll Frequency :
VAT - standard rate :
GDP - real growth rate :
7.4% (2021 est.)
The holidays mentioned below are valid for the year 2024.
The approximate time for sharing the contract with an employee in Uzbekistan is 14 business days assuming no special requests or changes to our standard employment contract. Any such requests or changes would need to undergo internal and external review, directly leading to a time delay.
NOTE: This number is subject to change and is only an estimation of the Contract Sharing Time. The estimated Contract Sharing Time begins from the moment that WorkMotion has received all required information from both the client and the employee.
Normal hours of work for an employee may not exceed 40 hours per week. With a six-day working week, the duration of daily work cannot exceed seven hours, and with a five-day working week – eight hours.
The duration of daily work (shift) on the eve of holiday (non-working) days is reduced for all employees by at least one hour.
Overtime is considered work in excess of the duration of daily work established for the employee. Overtime work may be applied with the consent of the employee.
The duration of overtime work should not exceed for each employee four hours for two consecutive days (for jobs with harmful and difficult working conditions – two hours a day) and 120 hours a year.
The term of the preliminary test may not exceed three months.
An employment contract may be concluded with a preliminary test (probation period) in order:
By agreement between the employee and the employer, the employment contract may be terminated before the expiration of the notice period. Payment in lieu of notice is permissible.
The notice period depends on the contract stage and reasons for termination:
Contract Stage / Reasons For Termination | Length of Notice |
Probation (Preliminary Test Period) | 3 days |
Redundancy | 2 months |
Inability to perform duties due to a lack of qualifications or a medical condition | 2 weeks |
Change in the company’s ownership | 2 months |
Gross misconduct or performance | 2 days |
All employees, including those working part-time, are provided with annual labor leave for rest and restoration of working capacity while maintaining their place of work and average earnings.
Annual basic leave is granted to employees for a period of at least 15 working days. Taking into account the age and state of health, the annual basic extended leave is granted to:
Annual basic leave for the first working year is granted after six months of work.
The number of sick leaves per year is not limited. Only the number of paid sick days is limited. The employee can be sick for no more than 30 calendar days per year.
If the employee is sick for a long time, the sick leave can be extended only by a special medical commission. The extension period is another 30 calendar days.
One of the parents (guardian, custodian) raising a child with a disability up to the age of 16 is provided with one additional day off per month with payment in the number of daily earnings at the expense of state social insurance.
Women who have two or more children under the age of 12 or a child with a disability under the age of 16 are granted an additional annual paid leave of at least three working days.
Women are granted a maternity leave of 70 calendar days before childbirth and 56 calendar days (in case of complicated childbirth or when two or more children are born – 70 calendar days) after childbirth with the payment of state social insurance benefits.
At the end of maternity leave, at the request of a woman, she is granted leave to care for a child until the child reaches the age of two years with the payment of benefits for this period.
There is no statutory paternity leave.
The employee who have adopted newborn children directly from the maternity hospital or who have established guardianship over them are granted leave for the period from the date of adoption (establishment of guardianship) and until the expiration of 56 calendar days from the date of the birth of a child with the payment of state social insurance benefits during this period.
The creative holiday is granted in order to complete a doctoral dissertation, as well as to write textbooks and teaching aids, persons who combine industrial or pedagogical activity with scientific work are granted sabbaticals with the preservation of the average monthly salary and the position at the main place of work.
At the request of the employees, they may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employee and the employer but cannot exceed three months in total within a 12-month period.
Leave without pay at the request of the employee is provided without fail to:
Employees studying in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are provided with additional leave with the preservation of the average wage for the period of participation in the laboratory examination session.
Insured employees, and, in appropriate cases, their families are provided at the expense of state social insurance funds:
Only the employer contributes a total of 12.01% to the social security, as follows:
Benefit | Employer Contribution | Employee Contributions |
Unified Social Fund | 12% | – |
Individual Pension Accounts | 0.1% | – |
Total | 12.01% | – |
In Uzbekistan, there is a national healthcare plan which guarantees citizens the right to access free healthcare.
The employer contributes 12% to the Unified Social Fund, which includes Accident Insurance.
Allowance for Temporary Disability
Temporary disability benefit is paid in case of illness, labor, or other injuries, including domestic injury when caring for a sick family member, quarantine, sanatorium treatment, and prosthetics.
The employer contributes 12% to the Unified Social Fund, which includes Unemployment Insurance.
In order for the employee to qualify for unemployment benefits, they must have worked for at least 12 weeks in the last 12 months or registered as a job seeker for the first time. They must be registered at an employment office, able and willing to work, and receive no income from employment.
The employer contributes 12% to the Unified Social Fund, and 0.1% to the Individual Pension Accounts.
An old-age pension is assigned to insured workers on a general basis for men – upon reaching 60 years of age with a total length of service of at least 25 years, and for women – upon reaching 55 years of age with a total length of service of at least 20 years. For certain categories of insured workers, a pension is established at reduced retirement age, and, in appropriate cases, at a reduced length of service.
The employer contributes 12% to the Unified Social Fund, which includes all the benefits described below.
The maternity benefit is paid in the number of full earnings during the entire maternity leave.
When a child is born, a one-time allowance is issued. The amount of the allowance for each child born and the procedure for its payment are established by law.
In the event of the death of an insured employee or a member of their family, a funeral allowance is paid in the amount and in the manner determined by law.
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